About Us

Our Story
Lisa Johann

Lisa Johann would describe her design style as funky and unique. She is the proud mother of Tiaundra Elise, her co-partner in Furthermore.... Lisa is, also, an alumna of Salisbury State College, having earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in Social Work. What she enjoys most about the business is that she is able to express her creative side. Her favorite quote, which also describes how she strives to live life, states, "I shall pass this way but once, therefore any kindness I can show to anyone, let me do it now, let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again."
Tiaundra Elise

Tiaundra Elise Shirley is a graduate of Clark Atlanta University and obtained her Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science. She describes her style as Bohemian Chic and loves to play with color. Pegged as a free spirit and daydreamer, Tiaundra will very rarely be seen without a book, paper and pen, or her headphones. The quote that speaks to her the most and that she lives by is, "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain."